Displacement Transducers

AC-07-XXXX series displacement transducers are compact and rugged yet light in weight. These units are widely used for testing materials such as advanced composites, metals and polymers. They can also be used to test round and flat specimens to perform tensile, compression and cyclic tests. These extensometers include circuitry for auto-calibration against internal shunt reference, thus obviating the need for on-site calibration during installation.

1 / 6
2 / 6
3 / 6
4 / 6


  • 5 to 10 VDC excitation
  • Sensitivity: 2 to 4 mV/V
  • Linearity: 0.10% to 0.25% of full scale measuring range
  • Temperature range: -100 °C to + 180 °C
  • Operating force is typically 40 g
  • Accuracy ASTM class B-1 and B-2


  • Biomedical tests
  • Testing of wire and thin sheet materials
  • Tension, compression and cyclic testing on metal composites, high temperature and polymers
  • Compression testing on rock and concrete

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