VAFCP Application Software

AC-08-0005 VAFCP application software to perform fatigue crack growth test under MTL32 environment with 2370 controller. Fatigue crack propagation (FCP) test can be done as per ASTM E647 standard on various specimens like C(T) LLD, C(T) MOD, SEB, DC(T), M(T), ESE(T), etc.

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The Woods
Cinque Terre
Cinque Terre


  • Tests can be done in constant load control, K control, decreasing K control, etc and combination of these with multiple steps.
  • Option to program multiple steps with different loading conditions and different frequency.
  • Online graphs of Da/dN, load vs. COD, crack length vs cycles, K vs cycles, etc
  • Online display of crack length, Kmax, Kmin delta K, Pmax, Pmin, delta P, da/dN, etc.
  • Option to stop the test at specified crack length, crack increment, Kmax, cycles etc.
  • Option to do variable amplitude test using Twist, Fallstaff, etc spectrum files.
  • Option to save the test profiles.
  • Auto data acquisition settings.
  • Autoscaling of graphs.
  • Option to enter material properties and specimen dimensions.
  • Option to measure crack length using remote LLD gage.
  • Offline post processing program to analyze the results in MS Excel.